Legal Fellows

We are pleased to introduce our Legal Fellows, as part of the Sustainable Economies Law Center's Legal Fellowship Program. Fellows receive extensive training, mentorship, resources, and support from our Center as they grow law practices focused on meeting the legal needs of local sustainable economies. As part of an ongoing commitment after the first year of the fellowship, Fellows agree to provide mentorship, training, and support to newer fellows who join the Center's community. 

Western Region Fellows

Alix Devendra

(CA, OR, WA)

 Brett HeegerBrett Heeger


Chris Cohen



D. Abuyounes



Eliana HornEliana Horn




Hasmik Geghamyan


 Hope MohrHope Mohr


Jenny Loda 



Jill Jacobs

Jiyoung Carolyn ParkJiyoung Carolyn Park

Jonathan Ostar
Jonathan Ostar


Kelsey Jae

(ID, OR)


Pacyinz LyfoungPacyinz Lyfoung

(CA, D.C., MN)


Peggy Wolf



Reyna Ramolete HayashiReyna Ramolete


Sarah Kaplan

(CA, IL)  

Will Pasley








Southwest Region Fellows



Josephine Foo

(NM, Navajo Nation)


 Patricia Feghali


Raye WinchRaye Winch 


Shefali Milczarek-DesaiShefali Milczarek-Desai





Central Region Fellows



Adam Johnson

(KY, WV) 

Anisha MurphyAnisha Murphy


Fatimeh D. PahlavanFatimeh D. Pahlavan
(Il, WI) 

Jacqueline RadebaughJacqueline Radebaugh
(OH, TX, Brazil) 

Jason OwensJason Owens


Kate Redman



Martina WatsonMartina Watson

(OH, NY)

Michael S. RussellMichael S. Russell

(CA, OH, TX)







Eastern Region Fellows



Elizabeth Carter

(IL, NJ, NY)


Julian HillJulian M. Hill




Justin Edge




Kathy GreggKathy Gregg



Nico Lustig
Nicholette (Nico) Rain Lustig

Sam Gray

(NJ, NY)

 Susan Grossberg
Susan Grossberg


Taier PerlmanTaier Perlman



Thomas BeckettThomas Beckett




Valeria GheorghiuValeria Gheorghiu









Canadian Fellows



John Carroll

(Quebec, Canada)

Elliot H. Bridgewater
(Edmonton, Canada) 






Puerto Rican Fellows



Alexiomar D. Rodríguez-LópezAlexiomar D. Rodríguez-López

Loira Acosta-Báez



Ricardo Díaz-Soto 




Former Legal Fellows

Ann Marie Rubin


Elizabeth Burnett

Cameron Rhudy


Cristina MathewsCristina Mathews

Lydia Edwards 


Neil ThaparNeil Thapar


Sara Stephens 




  • In memoriam, Liz Dahl-MacGregor, Practicing law to support the social economy and build the community in Ypsilanti, Michigan
  • Rachel DiNardo, Attorney in Alaska and the Bay Area
  • Sarah Seufer, Supporting sustainable economic growth in Western North Carolina

Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: