Hasmik Geghamyan

Licensed in California

Social engineering legal services for the commons in the Bay Area

Hasmik Geghamyan is a community lawyer and educator.  She believes that a cross-functional model of activism, policy, organizing, and law  can be effectively used to bring about transformative post-capitalist social and economic change.  Hasmik’s law practice focuses on democratic transitions of land into various models of community ownership,  general labor law compliance and services for cooperatives, small businesses, and nonprofits. Her law office's active vision is to be part of a long-term, thriving community rooted in resilience and empowerment. 

Hasmik has been organizing with the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) since law school and currently sits on the Board of the National Lawyers Guild, Bay Area Chapter as well as on the Board of the Sustainable Economies Law Center. Hasmik can be reached at [email protected]

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  • Mwende Hinojosa
    published this page in Legal Fellows 2022-03-10 12:40:49 -0800

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