Ready to lend a hand in setting up democratic enterprises in the Granite State and beyond
John C. Carroll is a graduate of the Syracuse University College of Law and admitted to the bar in New Hampshire. He is currently employed in Montreal, Canada at BCF LLP in its Business Immigration practice, but he also carries a strong passion for cooperatives as engines of economic growth and social development.
After graduating from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelor's Degree in History and a Minor in German, John moved to Bremen, Germany on a Fulbright Grant, residing and working there for four years. In 2009 he moved to the town of Higashikushira in Kagoshima, Japan, where he taught in the public schools there for two years.
John took up the study of law after his return to the U.S. specifically with the aim of getting involved in community development, which is reflected in his published note, Economic Democracy, Made in Germany: The Mietshäuser Syndikat Model as a Framework for Developing Democratic Enterprises, 42 Syracuse J. Int'l L. & Com. 193 (2014). Fluent in German and conversant in both Japanese and Spanish, John hopes to not only help foster new cooperative enterprises, but to contribute to the creation of cooperative networks within the U.S. and internationally.
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