CLE Courses |
Learn how to advise nonprofits, worker cooperatives, and other social enterprises! If you sign up to be a Community Member here, or if you pledge to volunteer at our Resilient Communities Legal Cafe, you can access these videos for free!
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Since 2010, the Law Center has taught many classes on various facets of practicing law in the sharing economy, such as cooperative taxation and advising worker self-directed nonprofits. We also co-sponsored and taught an MCLE on Practicing Law in a Post-Capitalist Society, which addressed bias in the current legal profession and ethical considerations for transitioning to new and more positive paradigms for both the economy and the legal system. Now, we're offering our CLE courses online!
NOTE: the California State Bar only recognizes courses taught in the past five years. We are working on updating our older materials.
Worker Cooperatives
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1.5 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Hasmik Geghamyan, Kelton O’Connor, Ricardo Nuñez, and Veryl Pow (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
- Price: $25
Intro to Cooperatives (2019)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Charlotte Tsui and Jay Cumberland (Law Center Staff)
- Price: $25
Cooperative Case Study: Arizmendi Association (2019)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Tim Huet (In-house Counsel, Arizmendi Association)
- Price: $25
Cooperative Conversion: Dog Social Club (2019)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenters:Ra Criscitiello (SEIU UHW) & Sushil Jacob (Tuttle Law Group)
- Price: $25

Affiliations Between Nonprofits and For-Profits (2019)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1.5 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenters: Gene Takagi (NEO Law Group)
- Price: $25
Nonprofit 101 From Incubation to Fundraising (2019)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1.5 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenters: Charlotte Tsui (Law Center Staff) and Cameron Holland (the Law Office of Cameron Holland)
- Price: $25
Nonprofit Hybrid Structures (2018)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Jesse Finfrock (Morrison Forerster)
- Price: $25
This is Our House | Legal Building Blocks for Shared Housing (2019)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenters: Chris Tittle (Law Center Staff), Noni Session (East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative, Executive Director)
- Price: $25
Supporting Permanently Affordable Housing (2019)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 2 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenters: Chris Tittle (Law Center Staff), Northern California Land Trust, and Oakland Community Land Trust
- Price: $25
Advising Tenant Unions to Purchase Their Building (2020)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1.5 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenters: Jay Cumberland (Equal Justice Works Fellow Sponsored by the Ebay Foundation) and Hope Williams, Director of Resident Empowerment and Legal Apprentice
- Price: $25
Recognizing Implicit Bias in Land Law (2020)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 specialty MCLE credit by the California Bar (Recognition and Elimination of Bias)
- Presenter: Neil Thapar (Law Center Staff)
- Price: $25 for CLE credit
Legal Tools for Radical Homeownership (2020)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1.5 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Janelle Orsi (Law Center Staff)
- Price: $25 for CLE credit
How to Get Property Tax Welfare Exemption for Rad Real Estate Projects (2023)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenters:Tobias Damm-Luhr and Tia Taruc-Myers (Law Center Staff), Lauren Tarpey from Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP
- Price: $25 or FREE (more info if you click the link!)
Food & Farming
Advising Startup Food Businesses (2018)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Christina Oatfield (Law Center Staff)
- Price: $25
The Legal Ethics of Client Led Work(2024)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE specialty credit for Legal Ethics by the California Bar.
- Presenters: Ari Pomerantz, Erika Sato, Tia Taruc-Myers, POOR Magazine, and Sawalmem
- Price: $75 for participatory credit, free for self-study
Nurturance Lawyering Part 1: How to bring connection and healing to our work in challenging times (2022)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE specialty credit for Competence Issues by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Janelle Orsi (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
- Price: $25
Nurturance Lawyering Part 2: Legal ethics in an interdependent world (2022)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE specialty credit for Legal Ethics by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Janelle Orsi (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
- Price: $25
Nurturance Lawyering Part 3: The legal profession is a white supremacist institution (2022)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE specialty credit for Elimination of Bias by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Janelle Orsi (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
- Price: $25
How to Advise Mutual Aid Groups (2022)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Erika Sato (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
- Price: $25
Impact Investing (2019)
- CLE Credit:This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Jesse Finfrock (Morrison & Foerster) and Shirley Mclaughlin (Adler & Colvin)
- Price: $25
Legal Structures for the New Economy (2019)
- CLE Credit:This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Janelle Orsi (Law Center Staff)
- Price: $25
Raising Capital for your Start-up (2019)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Jenny Kassan | Jenny Kassan Consulting
- Price: $25
The Nuts & Bolts of Starting a Business (2018)
- CLE Credit:This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Seema Rupani and Hewot Sankute (EBCLC Staff)
- Price: $25
On-the-Spot Legal Advising (2018)
- CLE Credit:This activity has been approved for .5 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Charlotte Tsui (Law Center Staff)
- Price: $25
Employment and Securities Laws in 60 Minutes (2018)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenter: Janelle Orsi and Christina Oatfield (Law Center Staff)
- Price: $25
Workers' Rights for Domestic Violence Survivors (2018)
- CLE Credit: This activity has been approved for 1 MCLE credit by the California Bar.
- Presenters: Janani Ramachandran (Berkeley Law student) and Carolyn Leary (Alipato Project)
- Price: $25
The Sustainable Economies Law Center wants to live in a world where every town and city has legal professionals providing assistance to urban farms, worker cooperatives, food cooperatives, car sharing programs, cottage-scale enterprises, housing cooperatives, and other projects that create local ownership and build community resilience.