Recognizing Implicit Bias in Land Law
Recorded by our Radical Real Estate Law School 2020
Speaker: Neil Thapar (Law Center Food and Farm Director)
Even when we’re not talking about race, we’re thinking about it. The same can be said about gender and sexuality, age, religion, weight, and more. This is because our brains take in 11 million bits of information per second, but our conscious mind is only able to process 40-50 bits of information per second. This means that our implicit biases often predict how we’ll behave more accurately than our conscious values. As lawyers, advisors, and advocates for land and housing justice, we need tools to counteract our own implicit biases as well as the structural bias that exists all around us. This workshop will cover the basics of implicit bias, how it has operated in the areas of land and housing law, and offer tools for countering implicit bias at the personal and systemic levels.
We recommend you take an implicit association test in preparation for attending this workshop, available at
Attn California Lawyers! If you need MCLE credit, please donate below. You will receive a link to the quiz, the certification of attendance, written materials, and evaluation form after you donate.
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