MCLE: Recognizing Implicit Bias in Land Law Practice

MCLE event

Even when we’re not talking about race, we’re thinking about it. The same can be said about gender and sexuality, age, religion, weight, and more. This is because our brains take in 11 million bits of information per second, but our conscious mind is only able to process 40-50 bits of information per second. This means that our implicit biases often predict how we’ll behave more accurately than our conscious values. As lawyers, advisors, and advocates for land and housing justice, we need tools to counteract our own implicit biases as well as the structural bias that exists all around us. This workshop will cover the basics of implicit bias, how it has operated in the areas of land and housing law, and offer tools for countering implicit bias at the personal and systemic levels.

We recommend you take an implicit association test in preparation for attending this workshop, available at

This MCLE has been approved for 1 MCLE Credit Hours for Elimination of Bias by the State Bar of California

Note: There are two ticket levels! One for lawyers who need MCLE credits and one for community members. If you cannot afford to pay for a ticket, please email [email protected] to request a scholarship. We want this event to be as accessible as possible.


As lead for Sustainable Economies Law Center’s Food and Farm Program, Neil researches, promotes, and advises on alternative legal structures of ownership that promote affordability, community ownership, and long-term sustainable stewardship. From worker-owned farms to community land trusts to land cooperatives, Neil supports the development of a racially just food and farm system that de-centers the individual and re-centers the collective. He builds partnerships with a wide range of organizations to learn about and address legal and policy challenges to achieving transformative change.


October 26, 2020 at 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Oakland, CA
United States
Google map and directions
Tia Katrina Taruc-Myers ·

Will you come?

$50.00 Legal Professional Level
$5.00 Community Level
Choose this level if you're not a lawyer, but still want to join the training!

Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: