Welcome to the Sustainable Economies Law Center's resources page for empowering artists and culture workers! This library features in-depth discussions and guides on crucial legal and financial topics that every artist should know, including copyright law, trademarks, artificial intelligence, and fiscal sponsorships.
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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: These Bite-Sized Legal Guides have been prepared by Sustainable Economies Law Center staff and volunteers as handouts for the Resilient Communities Legal Cafe. The contents of the Guides should NOT be relied on as legal advice. Furthermore, some of this information could become outdated, laws may vary from place to place, and although we've tried to collect accurate information and give the laws our best interpretation, some information in these Bite-Sized Legal Guides could be incorrect or subject to different interpretations by courts and regulators. We hope that's not the case, but, what can we say? Law is complicated stuff! That's why we STRONGLY recommend that you consult with an attorney before using this information.
⭐ Intellectual Property Rights & Artificial Intelligence for Creatives (Anavee Avila's List of Resources): Our partner Anavee Avila created this handout to accompany her presentation at our July 30, 2024 Legal Cafe. We hope this resource list will equip you with information and tools to protect your work as you continue to create.
⭐ How to Navigate Trademark Law: Explore the basics of trademark law, including trademark registration, eligibility for trademark protection, trademark infringement, and more.
⭐How to Receive Grants and Donations Through Fiscal Sponsor: Explore the pros and cons of finding a fiscal sponsor vs. forming a 501c3.
⭐ 10 Things to Consider When Starting a Fiscally Sponsored Project with a Partner: Here's the skeleton to your future "Co-Director Agreement."
⭐ How to Exit a Fiscal Sponsorship: An outline of steps that a fiscally sponsored project will typically undergo to become an independent nonprofit corporation.
▶️ Restructuring Your Arts Organization (2020) How can you align the internal structure of your arts organization with the values that drive your work? This teach-in will provide information about the pros and cons of different organizational models, including LLC, cooperatives, 501c3, and fiscal sponsorship. We’ll also discuss what you can do to democratize an existing arts nonprofit. This video will give you information to help you structure or re-structure your arts organization in a way that best serves your work.
▶️ Fiscal Sponsorship for Artists (2024) So what is fiscal sponsorship? It’s a relationship that allows a group or organization that doesn’t have its own tax exemption to borrow it from another organization that does have it. Learn more in the video below:
▶️ Trademarks for Artists (2024) This short video introduces the basics on trademarks and how to protect various aspects of an artist’s work, including your name, brand, and even artistic creations.
▶️ Copyright Law for Artists (2024) Explore the intricacies of copyright law through the lens of artists in this nano-training session that we hosted. This session provides valuable insights into the legal landscape surrounding creative work, empowering artists to navigate the complexities of copyright law.
▶️ Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Rights for Artists (2024) Join us for an engaging discussion that empowers artists to thrive in the digital era while upholding the values of community and sustainability.
speak to a lawyer
The Resilient Communities Legal Cafe is a first-come, first-serve, donation-based legal advice session. You might be asked to wait, but have no fear! For walk-in clinics, registration closes 40 minutes before the end-time listed; feel free to come at anytime before registration closes to receive your legal advice and consultation from our competent staff and volunteer attorneys. For online legal cafes, we e-mail appointment slots, the Zoom link, and intake questions to those who RSVP. RSVP here.