Have you thought about starting a business as a worker cooperative? Do you own a business and are looking at selling to your employees as a succession plan? Are you an existing cooperative that wants to grow your business past its current membership? Are you an economic justice or business development organization looking at worker-owned businesses as a way to increase community wealth?
Then the Worker Coop Academy might be for you!
To RSVP to this WEBINAR, please register at:
Please join the Blueprint Collaborative as we explain the nuts and bolts of the Worker Coop Academy, such as
- what it will offer to potential participants,
- what categories of participants we are accepting,
- and what the commitment from each team will be.
We will leave time for questions and answers from the audience.
To RSVP to this WEBINAR, please register at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
From the Blueprint Collaborative
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