If we don’t want our organizations and movements to replicate the oppressive power dynamics of the dominant culture, let’s design for the power relations we do want. This week, we are incredibly excited to host nearly 40 people from 17 social justice organizations from across the country for the three-day launch of the Nonprofit Democracy Network - a community of practice, organizational development training program, and peer support network for nonprofit organizations that want to deepen democracy within their organizations and make our movements for justice more participatory, responsive, and leaderful.
Particularly in this moment of climate chaos and resurgent white supremacy, where old paradigms of governance and leadership are so clearly insufficient and unacceptable, learning how to effectively govern our organizations, our communities, and our movement spaces is essential. At the Law Center, we’ve been trying to embody our values of democracy, justice, and shared leadership in our own governance model for five years now. One thing that is abundantly clear is that self-governance takes constant practice and learning!
So as we continue to embrace our own growing edges and have difficult conversations about power, privilege, and positionality within our own organization, we are convening a peer support network of similarly committed nonprofits to build a community of practice and shared learning.
The inaugural gathering of the Nonprofit Democracy Network is currently full. Interested to hear about upcoming opportunities to join the Network? Sign up here and we’ll be in touch!
Join us tomorrow for an informal social gathering to celebrate and build the community of nonprofit and movement workers committed to social transformation at our Nonprofit Democracy Network happy hour, Tuesday, September 26, 6:00pm in downtown Oakland.
Get trained up at Rethinking Nonprofits: Aligning Equity and Justice with your Organizational Structure, a full-day workshop on how to infuse the governance, management, and operational practices of your organizations with values of social, racial, gender, and ecological justice.
Explore our growing collection of resources and videos on workplace democracy in nonprofits.
Want to invest in deep democracy that really matters?
Make a donation today to fund the Nonprofit Democracy Network so we can include more organizations as the network evolves.
Can Community Capital Finance the Next Generation of Farmers?
Why the #DefundDAPL movement is about more than divesting from Wall Street
Make Soil, Make Laws: How the California Community Compost Coalition is shaping compost law
Harnessing People Power at the State Capitol: An Update on the Workers Compensation Policy Campaign
This Guide discusses options for obtaining funds for farm enterprises in California through methods other than bank and institutional loans. Download here.
Nonprofit Democracy Network Happy Hour, September 26 (Oakland, CA)
Join us as we celebrate nonprofit and movement workers committed to social transformation at our Nonprofit Democracy Network happy hour! If you are a friend or fan of the Law Center, or want to meet other nonprofit and movement workers committed to social transformation, please allow us to provide a space for critical connections with some light snacks and libations!
Charlas Legales: Oportunidades de Emprendimiento para Inmigrantes, September 28 (Oakland, CA)
En esta primera Charla Legal, discutiremos los derechos legales de los inmigrantes en cuanto a la propiedad de negocios y el empleo. También exploraremos alternativas como aprender las opciones legales de auto-empleo, ser un contratista independiente o bien establecer una cooperativa de trabajadores. Le invitamos a que venga a compartir sus preguntas y experiencias. Este taller es gratuito y estará totalmente en español.
Open House With Grassroots and POC-Led Housing & Land Justice Groups, October 10 (Oakland, CA)
Come meet the organizations that are building grassroots-led and POC-led movements to advance racial justice through the transformation of land and housing ownership.
Policy Cafe & CA Legislature Teach-In, October 18 (Oakland, CA)
Do you have an idea to change your community for the better? Do you have questions about policymaking on a local or state level? Do you want to explore your inner policymaker? Come get answers, ideas, and strategies from our center's staff, experienced attorneys and policymakers! RSVP here.
Webinar: California Legislature, Here We Come! October 25 (Anywhere with internet access!)
In this webinar, you’ll learn about the process of organizing a CA legislative campaign, how to work with legislators and their staff, how laws get written and amended, how to research California statutes, and some tips and strategies for success in state-level policy advocacy. RSVP here.
UNITE: Showcasing Changemakers; Funding the Future, October 25 (San Francisco, CA)
Hear inspiring stories from the Law Center and other Bay Area changemakers who are part of this year’s cohort of Full Circle Fund partners. Celebrate social change while enjoying heavy-appetizers, live music, photo and art exhibit, and silent auction. Grab your ticket today using our discount code COMMUNITY for $25-off.
The Future of Ownership in the Bay Area: Where We Live, Work, & Invest, November 7 (San Francisco, CA)
On November 7, we’re collaborating with Full Circle Fund to bring together speakers to present and discuss unique approaches to housing, enterprise, jobs, and investment, highlighting ways that innovative ownership models can transform the economy. This intimate conversation will hone in on how each of us as citizens and participants in the economy have choices we can make that can support a movement to create different outcomes. Save your seat today.
Rethinking Nonprofits: Aligning Equity and Justice with your Organizational Structure, December 13 (Oakland, CA)
As nonprofits and movement workers committed to social transformation, how can we embody the change we want to see and create more effective, accountable, and equitable organizations as we do it? This training will explore how to infuse the governance, management, and operational practices of our organizations with our values of social, racial, gender, and ecological justice through a commitment to deep democracy. RSVP here.
Resilient Communities Legal Cafe, East Bay
The Resilient Communities Legal Cafe provides direct legal advice, workshops, teach-ins, discussions, and legal services to businesses and organizations that are trying to make their communities a better place to live and thrive. Come, ask us your questions, and join others from your neighborhood who are taking their livelihoods, communities, and economies back! See dates and locations here.