Seed Campaign Updates

Last year, we found out that over 300 nonprofit seed libraries were at risk of being shut down due to misapplication of seed laws by several state departments of agriculture.

In partnership with Shareable and Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library, and with the help of the Clif Bar Family Foundation and Seed Matters, we launched a national petition campaign to build support for seed libraries and to tell regulators to protect our right to freely save and share seeds


Campaign Update

Thanks to the thousands of people who have signed our online petition, we have the attention of several state regulators and legislators who see the need to change state seed laws. In fact, state legislatures in Minnesota, Nebraska, and California will consider bills this session written by SELC and our partners to remove these unnecessary legal barriers to sharing locally grown and saved seeds! If you live in any of these states and have not yet signed the petition, please do so right now to voice your support for seed freedom!

To get involved in advocacy efforts, check out our Advocacy FAQs page for tips and guidance on how to get started!

Additional Legal Support and Resources

SELC is researching, analyzing, and reporting on all 50 state seed laws to help seed libraries navigate the rules to protect them from being restricted, or even shut down. We are working to share what we learn in plain language legal guides and webinars for seed libraries.

Click here to see our Seed Law and Seed Library Resources.

Read all about the campaign on on their Save Seed Sharing campaign page

Our seed campaign could use some water. Donate to SELC today!


laptop-icon-vector.pngSEED LAW HACKPAD: Want to know what your state’s seed law says? Check out our list of all 50 state seed laws on Hackpad! We’ve been compiling links to all the seed laws on Hackpad and we are crowdsourcing analysis of each of the laws. It’s a work in progress, and we’re almost there. If you’re interested in researching your state’s seed law, let us know!



basic-rectangle-wider-01.pngMarch For Real Climate Leadership (Feb 7, Downtown Oakland)

We believe communities should own their own sources of renewable energy, which is why we support the March For Real Climate Leadership. Join SELC350.orgMovement Rights, and dozens of other groups across California on February 7th to march for real climate leadership in Gov. Jerry Brown's backyard - Oakland! RSVP here.

Women Catalysts Featuring Chelsea Rustrum (Feb 18, San Francisco) 

Join Women Catalysts, a monthly speaker series, for an evening of conversations and community building. Meet fellow co-conspirators and connect with Women Catalyst Co-Founder Kim Hunter, Lindsay Jean Thomson, and author and entrepreneur Chelsea Rustrum. 100% of all ticket sales will go to Chelsea's charity of choice, the Sustainable Economies Law Center! Buy your tickets here

Annual Bay Area Seed Swap (March 7-8)

If you’re in the Bay Area, mark your calendar for the weekend of March 7th, 8th for the Annual Bay Area Seed Swap hosted by The Ecology Center.


071c1653-7538-4f3f-bc81-7b48bf8117c8.jpgLegal Tools for Worker Cooperatives and the Sharing Economy in Brooklyn, NY (Feb 4-5)

A two-day workshop on legal structures and strategies for cooperative development and sustainable local economies for legal professionals, accountants, and community development organizations. 

Legal_Cafe_Logo2.pngResilient Communities Legal Cafe at Impact HUB Oakland (Feb 2)

Resilient Communities Legal Cafe at Impact HUB Berkeley (Feb 11) 

More Than Fundraising - Benefits, Strategies, and Legal Aspects of Crowdfunding Teach-in (Feb 11)

Resilient Communities Legal Cafe at Alchemy Collective Cafe (Feb 17)

Members Happy Hour with Special Guests at Lost and Found, Oakland (Feb 24)

Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: