Resources for Radical Home Sellers

Homeowners bear a heavy weight of responsibility, especially once they come to understand the role that property ownership and the speculative market have played in the theft of land, the impoverishment of communities, and the widening gap between the rich and poor. Over the years, Sustainable Economies Law Center has created several resources to help homeowners navigate the possibilities for buying, owning, and selling homes in greater alignment with values of social and racial justice. We've recently compiled some of those resources into one place here: Resources for Radical Home Sellers

Spoiler alert: There are no easy answers! Our legal, financial, and tax systems are all designed to keep homes in the speculative market. The above resources offer some tools and creative pathways, but we have a long way to go in reshaping these systems. If you are a homeowner beginning to explore your role in creating a more just world, please know you are not alone.

On a related note, here's an essay, Legal Tools for Land Return, where I reflect on the practical, political, and emotional challenges of creating legal tools to restore land to the people. Sending wishes for strength and courage to anyone on this journey!

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  • Janelle Orsi
    published this page in Blog 2023-05-23 14:57:47 -0700

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