RELEASED TODAY – First-Ever Sharing Economy City Policy Brief

Share this with every urban leader, mayor, city planner, or council member you know.

Today, the Sustainable Economies Law Center and Shareable released the first ever policy brief of its kind, called Policies for Shareable Cities: A Sharing Economy Policy Primer for Urban Leaders. It details 32 specific policy steps that local leaders can take to benefit from the growing sharing economy and support innovations such as carsharing, ridesharing, cohousing, cooperatives, and urban agriculture.  Click here for the press release. Click here for PDF.


This is just the beginning.

We need your support to get these policy solutions into the hands of policymakers everywhere. Help support SELC's work for shareable cities and make a tax-deductible donation now. Let's leverage this opportunity to make Policies for Shareable Cities a solutions manual for every city, and grow our work for 2014. Show your support.

Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: