Statement About Coronavirus Prep & Prevention at the Law Center

May 2020 UPDATE: Due to ongoing shelter-in-place orders, the Law Center has extended our practice of moving all our events online until further notice.

In light of developments around the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) here in California, as of March 10, 2020, the Law Center will be suspending all public in-person events and moving them online for the next two weeks. 

We are also recommending that all Law Center staff work from home and use their best judgement in determining whether or how to participate in outside events, including following recommended prevention practices as they conduct their work. 

In the meantime, we will continue to actively monitor the news and follow public health guidelines, including those applicable to our region here in Alameda County. As an organization headquartered in Oakland, we are committed to ensuring that our partners, collaborators, clients, and the communities we directly serve here in the Bay Area remain healthy and safe. We will practice precaution for our community and loved ones as we make adjustments to ensure that we continue our day-to-day operations.

In this time of uncertainty, we here at the Law Center believe that this also presents an opportunity to demonstrate transparency, community power, and mutual support by responding from a place of compassion rather than scarcity.

Let’s continue to take care of each other. 

- Law Center Staff

Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: