In the U.S., we celebrate Black History in February. Black history is vital to the ongoing project that is American democracy. “We have helped the country live up to its founding ideals”, writes 1619 Project journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones. We celebrate local legends like Dennis Terry, filmmaker and co-founder of Mandela Foods Cooperative (1950 - 2020), who dedicated his life to supporting Bay Area cooperatives, publicizing grassroots economic activity and documenting the stories of Black Farmers. We celebrate American giants like anti-capitalist Ella Baker, who co-founded the Young Negroes Cooperative League to invigorate Black buying clubs and grow Black economic power autonomy; and Fannie Lou Hamer, who founded Freedom Farm Cooperative, a grassroots self-help effort to organize and feed as many Black families as she could.
For the Movement for Black Lives, February is Black Futures Month. Inspired by this visionary framing, we’re shining light on Black folks in our community who’re doing the work to make a better future for us all, right now. They are our mentors, advisors, collaborators, and colleagues.
📣 New Blog Post 📣

"Iwa pele", or as an Radical Real Estate Law School apprentice adélàjà simon translates it, "an attitude of gratitude when greeting the home/earth." In this blog post he asks us, how might we cultivate this attitude when engaging with land through systems that relate to land as inanimate? How do we shift the dominant systems to foster deeper relationships with land?
We're hiring a Financial Craftsperson & Bookkeeper!
We hope you’ll consider joining us! We are looking for someone who will support the smooth, transparent, participatory, and (dare we say it?) joyful function of our financial, payroll, and benefits systems, in addition to contributing to our collectively-stewarded organization in other ways. Do you think that might be you? We’ll be posting the job description and application in a few days. Once posted, we will be taking applications between February 23 to March 22nd, 2021.
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