70 Experts Share Their Best Advocacy Planning, Strategy, Skills and Training Tips

By Ann Dermody for CQ

Excerpt: How would you like to have your own personal government relations or advocacy mentor on speed dial? Even, if you’d been in the business for years? Well, we’re about to give you the next best thing. We conducted 70, (yes, 70!) interviews with some of the leading minds in the worlds of government relations, nonprofit, advocacy, public policy, and fundraising, and asked them four pertinent questions:

“As a lawyer, I’ve missed out on training as an organizer. I’m always looking out for opportunities to better understand social change theory and organizing strategy to better understand how I can more effectively be an advocate. With apologies for the sports metaphor, advocacy is a team sport – so the more effective I am at bringing people onto my team, the more successful I will be.” – Neil Thapar, Food and Farm Attorney,Sustainable Economies Law Center

Read the full article here.

(Originally published November 7, 2017.)

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