Have you thought about starting a business as a worker cooperative? Do you own a business and are looking at selling to your employees as a succession plan? Are you an existing cooperative that wants to grow your business past its current membership? Are you an economic justice or business development organization looking at worker-owned businesses as a way to increase community wealth?
Then the Worker Coop Academy might be for you!
Please join us on July 8th at 6:30pm at Laney College in the Bistro Conference Room for this informational session.
Please join the Blueprint Collaborative as we explain the nuts and bolts of the Worker Coop Academy, such as
- what it will offer to potential participants,
- what categories of participants we are accepting,
- and what the commitment from each team will be.
We will leave time for questions and answers from the audience.
Please RSVP below!
Light food and refreshments will be provided!
Brought to you by the Blueprint Collaborative and Laney College
July 08, 2014 at 6:30pm - 8pm PDT
Laney College
900 Fallon St
Bistro Conference Room
Oakland, CA 94607
United States
Google map and directions
900 Fallon St
Bistro Conference Room
Oakland, CA 94607
United States
Google map and directions
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