Legal Professionals, Worker Co-op Members, Students, and Aspiring and Current Business Owners!
The team at the EBCLC Community Economic Justice clinic is preparing a workshop on commercial leases. Do you have questions or particular areas of interest regarding commercial evictions? You can let us know prior to the event through this form in English or this form in Spanish; your answers are anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself.
About the Presenters: Sara Ramsey, Sarah Lucey, Jer'Ron Dinwiddie, Jay Cumberland, and Paola Eisner, law students and legal clerks at the EBCLC's CEJ clinic, will be facilitating this teach-in. You can get in touch with them at [email protected].
This teach-in is a part of the Law Center's Resilient Communities Legal Cafe. The Sustainable Economies Law Center provides direct legal support to individuals and groups who are working to create new solutions for resilient local economies. The Resilient Communities Legal Cafe is a first-come, first-serve, donation-based legal advice clinic, providing a collaborative space for community building and connecting.
This Legal Cafe is hosted by Alchemy Collective Cafe, a worker-owned cooperative business that serves delicious coffee and pastries! And, they host our Legal Cafes at NO CHARGE to the Law Center! Thanks, Alchemy!!!
Everyone is welcome to attend this cafe.
Interested in legal advice only? Please RSVP here.
El equipo de justicia económico comunitario en EBCLC está preparando un taller sobre desalojo de los arrendamientos comerciales que se llevará a cabo el 13 de noviembre, 2018, 5-5:45pm, en Alchemy Collective Cafe (1741 Alcatraz Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703). Si Ud. tiene preguntas or areas de interés sobre el desalojo de los arrendamientos comerciales, Ud. puede compartirlos en nuestro cuestionario anónimo o en el cuestionario en ingles.
1741 Alcatraz Ave
Berkeley, CA 94703
United States
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