After a rich week of #Coopalooza discussions, teach-ins, and panels, we’re decompressing with our community in a virtual mix & mingle. Meet us in this fun unstructured space to deepen connections you made during the week. Come and reconnect with Law Center staff, partners, and collaborators.
☑️ Intros & welcome from Itzel/Mwende
- Music playing in the background & a fun ice breaker
☑️ Ask the group, “Share something you learned during #Coopalooza you want to share now”
- People can write in the chat or respond on video
☑️ Then we jump into breakout rooms
- Main Room: Fun co-op trivia game featuring co-ops from around the world
- Breakout Room #1: Debrief/Lingering thoughts & questions from #Coopalooza
- Breakout Room #2: Missed Connections
If you need Spanish Language or American Sign Language interpretation, please email Tia ([email protected]) with Subject Line "Interpretation Request - for [mm/dd/yyyy] event." We will do our best to accommodate your request.
#Coopalooza Week Sponsors