Building Resilience for Just Workplaces
Please join us for a participatory training and Q&A with legal experts on employee handbook basics for democratically run, worker-centered organizations. Let’s talk about what goes into building a successful worker coop!
In this teach-in on handbook basics for worker cooperatives, nonprofits, and other social enterprises, we will discuss a short list of essential policies for Employee Handbooks and why your organization should have them, especially from a legal and risk management perspective. After a short training, we will have an open discussion about novel policies and lessons learned from employee policies enacted at worker-centered organizations.
This event is intended for current worker-owners, social enterprises, and non-profits who want to start drafting or improve their organization's Employee Handbook. If you need to develop policies and want to discuss how employee policies have (or have not) been successfully implemented in a worker-centered organization, this teach-in is for you!
About the Presenters
Jassmin Poyaoan is a graduate of the UCLA School of Law, where she specialized in Critical Race Studies. In 2015, she joined EBCLC’s Green-Collar Communities Clinic to focus on community ownership as a response to widespread gentrification and displacement in the East Bay Area. Jassmin is also a member of Sama Sama Summer Camp Cooperative, a cooperative-run summer camp designed to provide children of Filipino ancestry a fun, engaging and critical way of exploring the intersections of culture, arts, and ecology. |
Elizabeth Burnett is a staff attorney at the Sustainable Economies Law Center and specializes in employment law and HR related legal issues. Elizabeth's areas of work at SELC include funding development and strategic partnership outreach for community resilience and grassroots economic empowerment. Elizabeth also provides legal support to the Resilient Communities Legal Cafe Program. |
This event is brought to in collaboration with NoBAWC and SELC. The Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives is a grassroots organization of democratic workplaces dedicated to building workplace democracy in the SF Bay Area and beyond. For more information, please visit
$5-15 Donation Requested
If you are unable to give financially or would like to donate in person at the event, please RSVP with [email protected]!
No one turned away for lack of funds! SPACE IS LIMITED!
1741 Alcatraz Ave
Berkeley, CA 94703
United States
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