Let's Fill the Room with Coop Supporters!


Berkeley Small Business Subcommittee Meeting About Worker Cooperatives: August 6th 10am-12pm

We need worker coop members and advocates, especially those who live and/or work in Berkeley, to show up and speak in favor of worker cooperatives! Will you join us on August 6th? RSVP below!

We done it before. We can do it again! Pushing policies that promote worker cooperatives!

Details: We will gather outside the building at 1947 Center St. in downtown Berkeley at 9:30am. Join us there to receive your talking point sheet and poster, take a group photo, and sign up to comment during Public Comment and/or on relevant agenda item(s). Worker cooperatives and succession planning (i.e. cooperative conversion opportunities) are on the agenda for the meeting. The agenda has not yet been confirmed but will be available here shortly. 

How you can support: We want you to share your personal story about how worker cooperatives have improved your life or your community and how the City of Berkeley should take action to support worker cooperatives. Don't worry, we will provide attendees with sample talking points on how the Office of Economic Development's work plan on small business development should include actions that remove barriers to worker cooperative development.

Share this event with your community! Please share the event page with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or anywhere else you can think of so your community can join the fun! 

Other opportunities for action: Later this year, Berkeley City Council will vote on a comprehensive ordinance to support worker cooperative development. We need to show strong support for worker cooperatives at this Subcommittee meeting so that the Mayor and other councilmembers prioritize the worker cooperative ordinance! Click here to learn more about the forthcoming ordinance and how you can support!


August 06, 2018 at 9:30am - 12pm
Magnolia Conference Room
1947 Center St
3rd Floor
Berkeley, CA 94606
United States
Google map and directions
Yassi ·
Ashley Ortiz Alchemy Alchemy Collective Cafe Jay Cumberland Yassi Eskandari Md SpicerSitzes Ricardo Nunez Jim Aldrich

Please RSVP to receive timely updates!

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