Want to empower yourself with legal research skills and support the seed library movement, all in one hour? Please join us! The goal: To research as many of the 50 state seed laws as possible and to populate this resource library. A "flash hackathon" is a very short hackathon (we just invented that phrase for the purpose of doing some quick research on this important subject). Immediately following the hackathon, you can attend a very cool teach-in on Pollination and Seed Saving, led by City Slicker Farms.
A little background: Seed libraries are currently at risk of being regulated out of existence in Pennsylvania and Maryland based on a misapplication of state seed labeling and testing laws. Now all 300 seed libraries in the U.S. are worried that they are next in the crack-down. We need to empower ourselves with knowledge of the law and solid legal arguments as soon as possible. Read SELC's article about this issue here.
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Oakland, CA 94606
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