Ricardo Runs for a Cooperative Future of Work!

WHY I'M RUNNING: I'm running because I'm passionate about building a just, regenerative, and equitable future of work. That means enterprises where workers are fairly compensated, their voices matter, and they are able to show up as their full selves. To make this possible, I believe we need to go beyond mainstream concepts of worker vs owner; WE ALL SHOULD BE WORKER-OWNERS! Please help me and all those who believe in a future of work that is just and sustainable - for people and for planet - by donating below!

     A little about me: At the Law Center, I coordinate our education, research, advocacy, and advice for equitable, democratic enterprises as the Director of Economic Democracy. Projects that I support or co-lead include our Think Outside the Boss workshops, our business accelerator the Worker Coop Academy, our online resources library for cooperatives Co-opLaw.org, our policy advocacy efforts such as the California Worker Cooperative Act, and much more! We've got a lot of plans for 2019 and beyond, and we need your support to make it happen!

Help me reach my goal of $3,000 and our collective goal of $30,000! Donate today!

$1,310.00 raised
GOAL: $3,000.00
Contributions are tax deductible.

Showing 15 reactions

  • Mary Hoyer
    donated 2019-03-23 08:20:52 -0700
  • Joan M
    donated 2019-03-21 19:16:55 -0700
  • Tim Glaza
    donated 2019-03-20 16:10:34 -0700
  • Natalia Linares
    donated 2019-03-17 17:50:09 -0700
  • Julio Nunez
    donated via 2019-03-17 09:17:37 -0700
  • Imron Bhatti
    donated 2019-03-15 06:22:59 -0700
  • Alejandro Nunez
    donated 2019-03-06 14:10:54 -0800
  • Hilary Johnson
    donated 2019-03-04 12:31:50 -0800
  • Farzana Serang
    donated via 2019-02-27 14:20:31 -0800
  • Julianne Maurseth
    donated 2019-02-23 12:17:00 -0800
  • Kate Sassoon
    donated via 2019-02-20 08:46:33 -0800
  • susan schaller
    donated 2019-02-19 16:58:05 -0800
  • Anna Isaacs
    donated 2019-02-11 10:52:43 -0800
  • Esther West
    donated 2019-02-07 17:30:25 -0800
  • Tia Katrina Taruc-Myers
    donated 2019-01-07 17:43:08 -0800

Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: