Marissa Runs for Workplace Democracy!


The Law Center was there for our grassroots organization, People of Color Sustainable Housing Network when we were seeking an entity to create to hold land to make collective ownership widespread so that we can build models that would be replicable, scalable, sustainable, transformative, while using community investments to do so and protecting the member owners. Sustainable Economies Law Center paved the way by creating an entity called the Permanent Real Estate Cooperative and changing California law to be able to receive Investments for cooperatives that are up to $1,000 without triggering securities laws, allowing for this model to aggregate funds for acquisition. The East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative was formed a year after our work together began. And since then EB PREC has been in partnership, supported by the Law Center through fundraising, cooperative internal governance, structures for receiving investments and business model plans. The Law Center is a model organization for cooperative governance and collective stewardship of institutions. They are dedicated helpful people.  I appreciate their openness and support in creating documents that are accessible, readable and replicable.  It is a great pleasure and growing experience to work with the Law Center.

Help me reach my goal of $500 and our collective goal of $30,000! Donate today!

GOAL: $500.00
Contributions are tax deductible.

Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: