As the sponsor of the Neighborhood Food Act, we are so glad the bill passed through the California Assembly!
Now, we need your help telling the Senate that they need to follow the Assembly's lead and vote YES on AB 2561, the Neighborhood Food Act!
The bill is up for a vote in the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee this Tuesday, June 17th, and we need you to make a call on behalf of the millions of Californians who are renters or HOA members and deserve the right to feed themselves fresh, healthy food grown in their own backyards.
Here are three simple, yet powerful, actions that we need you to take before Tuesday:
1. CALL! If your Senator is one of the following people (you can find your Senator by clicking here), call and urge them to vote YES on AB 2561.
- Mark DeSaulnier - (916) 651-4007
- Ted Gaines - (916) 651-4001
- Jim Beall - (916) 651-4015
- Anthony Cannella - (916) 651-4012
- Cathleen Galgiani - (916) 651-4005
- Ben Hueso - (916) 651-4040
- Ricardo Lara - (916) 651-4033
- Carol Liu - (916) 651-4025
- Fran Pavley - (916) 651-4027
- Richard Roth - (916) 651-4031
- Mark Wyland - (916) 651-4038
If your Senator is NOT one these people, call the Committee Chair, Senator Mark DeSaulnier at (916) 651-4007 to urge him to support AB 2561.
You can use the following phone script when you call:
"Hi, my name is (your name),
I am a (renter, member of an HOA, gardener, homeowner, landlord, etc.) and I wish for the State Legislature to pass AB 2561, the California Neighborhood Food Act.
Assemblymember Steven Bradford introduce the California Neighborhood Food Act (AB 2561), to increase access to fresh food through California. Many Californians NEED more access to fresh food. What better way than to grow it on their own? As a California resident seeking increased access to fresh, local food, I'm calling to urge (Senator's name) to vote YES on AB 2561 at Tuesday's Transportation and Housing Committee hearing. Thank you!"
2. TWEET and FACEBOOK! Copy the Twitter and Facebook posts below and send them to your Senator:
"@(your Senator) We got the votes in the Assembly, now it's time for the Senate to do the right thing. Yes on #AB2561"
"The CA Assembly agreed that renters have the right to grow food for personal consumption. Now we need the Senate to do the same. Please support #AB2561, the CA Neighborhood Food Act. #BradfordGardens"
3. SHARE! Forward this email to people you know who are supporters of urban agriculture. The more support we show, the easier the decision to support the bill becomes for our legislators.
We are sowing the seeds for an explosion in urban agriculture across the state of California, and the Neighborhood Food Act will bring us one step closer to increased access to food for all Californians, regardless of their housing or socio-economic status.
More homegrown carrots and onions for all!
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