The Radical Real Estate Law School is (1) a community of learning and practice (2) building a comprehensive library of resources and tools (3) by implementing diverse models of real estate stewardship (4) then spreading a transformative vision for humanity’s relationship to land through advocacy and movement-building.
We've finally found our four apprentices and we can't wait to introduce them to you! Join us for a 45 minute meet and greet to learn about their radical real estate projects and passions. Now's also a chance to introduce yourself and let us know how you'd like to be involved!
The format of this meet and greet will be a fishbowl conversation.
Fishbowl rules:
The Middle: Only 2-4 people may have their microphones on at a time.
Tapping In: To tap in, please raise your hand. The facilitator will call your name. Please briefly introduce yourself when you join the middle.
Tapping Out: If you've been in the fishbowl for a long time and you see that someone is trying to tap-in, feel free to say "I'm tapping out." Mute yourself to officially leave the middle. That will let the facilitator know that they can tap someone in.
Topics: The facilitator will have questions prepared in case participants run out of things to say but please feel free to come with your OWN questions and ideas! This is a participatory meet-and-greet event!
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