On the evening of May 16th, come celebrate the legal roots of resilient economies with like minded lawyers, social justice advocates, and next economy thought leaders at the Sustainable Economies Law Center's Legal Professional's happy hour! If you're an attorney looking to build your network of resilience minded legal professionals, please join us!
We're excited to be hosted by the Perennnial during our Spring Membership Campaign, a restaurant focused on sustainability by integrating aquaponics, perennial grains, and carbon farming into their practices.
Our happy hour is a great place not only to learn about the Law Center, connect with our staff, and get a better understanding of our work supporting grassroots economic empowerment; it's also a great place to meet the movers and shakers seeding a more humane economy!
Please join the Law Center for an informal networking event with drinks, snacks, and stories of cultivating community resilience at the Perennnial (just a short walk from Civic Center BART station)!
59 9th St
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States
Google map and directions

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