Legal Cafe at SFWAR



To honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are hosting this Legal Cafe at San Francisco Women Against Rape's office in the Women's Building. 

The Sustainable Economies Law Center provides direct legal support to individuals and groups who are working to create new solutions for resilient local economies. The Resilient Communities Legal Cafe is a first-come, first-serve, donation-based legal advice clinic, providing a collaborative space for community building and connecting.

Survivors of domestic violence who hope to start small businesses, worker owned cooperatives, or social enterprise are encouraged to attend this Legal Cafe. Please RSVP below. 

For more information about the Legal Cafe, including the areas of law we specialize in, our upcoming teach-ins, and more, please visit

October 30, 2018 at 5:00pm - 7:30pm
San Francisco Women Against Rape
3543 18th St
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States
Google map and directions
Tia Katrina Taruc-Myers ·

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  • Brian “Heart” Sroka
    followed this page 2018-10-26 14:55:09 -0700
  • Brian “Heart” Sroka
    rsvped 2018-10-26 14:29:48 -0700

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