Land Return |
We envision a widespread return of land to Indigenous stewardship, offering all people a liberatory vision for more nurturing and just ways of living with land and each other.
People everywhere are recognizing our immense loss from having severed the roots of humans’ caring relationships with land, homes, and neighborhoods. Colonization has violently severed Indigenous land relationships, and capitalism has turned land into a commodity to be exploited and made most people landless as a way to exploit their labor. Now, people are seeing the healing that will come from returning land to the landless, to Indigenous people, and to itself. Land justice organizations are emerging, land trusts are forming, and private landowners are coming forth, moved by beautiful visions that are taking shape.
One of our key programs is our Sacred Legal Circles, where we provide legal support to land-based organizations whose work is rooted in spirituality and/or non-dominant worldview systems. We are also co-creating a film on Indigenous and Black land justice. We continue to develop user friendly resources like Seeds of Land Return and the Rematriation Easement.
In this blog post, Law Center staff shared how we’ve witnessed the impacts of settler colonialism in our work to help make sense of the ecological violence and genocide happening to the people of Palestine. We shared resources on how to be in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Our statement pushed back against professionalism and liberalism, which often has people afraid of speaking out, sharing individual experiences, and connecting with one another. Continuing in that vein, team members recently shared how they approach the relationship between Decolonization and the Law.