Free Legal Help for Small Business Owners

Are you a small business owner? Do you have an idea for creating a social enterprise, a cooperative, or a nonprofit? If so, we invite you to stop by our legal clinic to get free advice from attorneys on questions like: 

  • Legal formation: What permits and regulations do I need to know about?
  • Legal entity choice: Should my business be an LLC, S-corp, cooperative, or something else? What is a cooperative? 
  • Employment law: What do I need to do before I hire someone?
  • Securities law: What are the legal ways to raise money for my business?
  • Contracts review: Can someone explain a contract to me?
  • Liability issues: What can I do to limit my business’ liabilities?
  • Commercial lease: What are my responsibilities under a lease?
  • Intellectual property: Do I need a patent, copyright, or trademark?

We will begin with a presentation on "Business Law Basics," which will outline business entity choices, introduce participants to worker cooperatives, and review employment law requirements. The presentation will be followed by one-on-one advice sessions with volunteer attorneys.

For attorneys who are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Charlotte Tsui at [email protected].

This event is co-hosted by: Asian American Bar Association of the Bay Area, ASIAN Inc., Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, Sustainable Economies Law Center's Resilient Communities Legal Cafe, and the San Francisco Small Business Development Center. 

UPDATE 9/19/2018:

Registration is now closed. Please email Charlotte Tsui, [email protected], to be added to the waitlist.



About the Sustainable Economies Law Center's Legal Cafe Program:


The Resilient Communities Legal Cafe program offers first-come, first-serve, donation-based legal advice clinics, providing a collaborative space for community building and connecting. We provide direct legal support to individuals and groups who are working to create new solutions for resilient local economies. For more information about Sustainable Economies Law Center's Legal Cafe, including the areas of law we specialize in, our upcoming teach-ins, and more, please visit 

September 25, 2018 at 5:00pm - 7:30pm PDT
1167 Mission St
4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States
Google map and directions
Charlotte Tsui ·

Showing 2 reactions

  • Aileen Suzara
    rsvped 2018-09-17 20:47:03 -0700
  • Nico Dacumos
    rsvped 2018-09-11 15:57:12 -0700

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