When you make an effort to remove hierarchy from an organization, the impact is felt in many ways. Here is a short video to give you insight into the vibe of the Sustainable Economies Law Center's office, where everyone sets their own schedules, chooses their own workspace, and contributes to keeping everything tidy:
Notably, no one at SELC has a fixed and exclusive office or desk. Tables move around to create individual workspaces and meeting spaces, as needed. SELC has a relatively small (330-square-foot) office for its 12 staff people, which reflects the staff's conscious choice to dedicate our funding to high-impact projects, rather than to an expensive office suite. Since we are located in a large coworking space, the Impact Hub Oakland, each staff member has the flexibility to work in any part of the building and to use meeting rooms when needed. Our use of physical spaces is just one of the ways that we actively seek to combat hierarchies and inequities from emerging in the workplace.