Teach-In: What law school teaches about Property Law (vs what we teach)

banner with radical real estate law school logo and text - teach-in: what law school teaches about property law (vs what we teach) presented by hope williams and photo of a group of people listening to a presentation

Our vision is to decommodify land and housing so that all people can exercise their right to live, work, and gather together. The problem is that the law legitimizes the practice of treating land and housing as commodities. The dominant model of real estate ownership and speculation drives inequality, the racial wealth gap, and ecosystem destruction. The solution is to challenge the deeply entrenched legal doctrines and cultural norms that make us believe that land justice and universal housing is impossible.

In this webinar, Hope Williams - the Law Center's Director of Resident Empowerment - will share how our Radical Real Estate Law School teaches Property Law and how our syllabus empowers our legal apprentices (and hopefully others) to think more creatively and compassionately than if they were learning in a traditional law school format. 

This teach-in will be recorded and posted on our blog. If you need Spanish Language or American Sign Language interpretation, please email Tia ([email protected]) with Subject Line "Interpretation Request - for [mm/dd/yyyy] event." We will do our best to accommodate your request.

About the Presenter

Hope is a legal apprentice at the Sustainable Economies Law Center! She is excited to finally begin her path to becoming an attorney advocate that helps black and brown marginalized communities. Devoted to housing rights and organizing people power to fight the oppressive white supermacist regime, Hope spends most of her time making sure that the law is accessible to the people. She graduated from San Francisco State University with a bachelors in Political Science. As the Assistant Director of their legal center, she organized events that revolved around housing, immigration, and mass incarceration. During and after school, Hope worked for one of the most powerful unions in the world: Local 2 UniteHere!. They trained her on how to boycott, organize, and agitate. She has been arrested twice with them.

February 16, 2021 at 2:00pm - 3pm PST
Enrique Arcilla West Foster Destiny Shelton Jennifer McDougall Christine Hernandez Cheryl Markham Pacyinz Lyfoung m mm Lesly Figueroa Andrea Wisner Alyssa Bishop Laura Sheckler Sophie House Julian Wong Meg Cavanagh Meg Wade jiyoung carolyn park

Who's RSVPing

Enrique Arcilla
West Foster
Destiny Shelton
Jennifer McDougall
Christine Hernandez
Cheryl Markham
Pacyinz Lyfoung
m mm
Lesly Figueroa
Andrea Wisner
Alyssa Bishop
Laura Sheckler
Sophie House
Julian Wong
Meg Cavanagh
Meg Wade
jiyoung carolyn park

Will you come?

Showing 18 reactions

  • Enrique Arcilla
    rsvped 2021-02-16 10:09:49 -0800
  • West Foster
    rsvped 2021-02-10 17:56:37 -0800
  • Destiny Shelton
    rsvped 2021-02-10 13:06:53 -0800
  • Jennifer McDougall
    rsvped 2021-02-09 14:17:01 -0800
  • Christine Hernandez
    rsvped 2021-02-04 21:45:26 -0800
  • Cheryl Markham
    rsvped 2021-02-01 22:02:01 -0800
  • Pacyinz Lyfoung
    rsvped 2021-01-31 19:48:16 -0800
  • m mm
    rsvped 2021-01-31 12:47:02 -0800
  • Lesly Figueroa
    rsvped 2021-01-26 09:44:16 -0800
  • Andrea Wisner
    rsvped 2021-01-21 18:43:31 -0800
  • Alyssa Bishop
    rsvped 2021-01-21 16:33:51 -0800
  • Laura Sheckler
    rsvped 2021-01-20 11:45:55 -0800
  • Sophie House
    rsvped 2021-01-20 08:11:08 -0800
  • Julian Wong
    rsvped 2021-01-20 08:10:12 -0800
  • Meg Cavanagh
    rsvped 2021-01-11 06:12:19 -0800
  • Meg Wade
    rsvped 2021-01-08 17:04:50 -0800
  • jiyoung carolyn park
    rsvped 2021-01-08 00:53:40 -0800
  • Tia Katrina Taruc-Myers
    published this page 2021-01-06 17:23:30 -0800

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