Join us for a basic overview of different entity structures to consider when starting a small business.
What are the benefits of forming an LLC? Should you start as a sole proprietorship? Is converting to a Cooperative Corporation a good option for you?
Attorney Neil Thapar will present an overview and facilitate a Q&A session.
6PM-7PM: Presentation
7PM-7:30PM - Q&A
About the Presenter
Neil Thapar is the Food and Farm Attorney at the Sustainable Economies Law Center. He is passionate about building collective power to recreate a healthy, just, and resilient food system. Aside from his roles at SELC, Neil is a member of the Oakland Food Policy Council and serves on its Executive Committee, where he focuses on local advocacy to promote a more just and equitable local food system through economic empowerment in the food industry. He also serves as a Farm Advisor Captain for Kitchen Table Advisors, a nonprofit organization that provides business consulting services to small-scale, sustainable farms in the Bay Area.