I took up journaling last year, and…WOW.
I write down things that inspire me and I’ve noticed some patterns. Our work at Sustainable Economies Law Center reveals a tapestry of people and groups building amazing things in our communities. In the past two weeks, I’ve advised the following people in our walk-in legal advice “cafes,” including:
I noticed one pattern from the last two weeks, and I just love this fun fact:
Even in the face of historic oppression and marginalization, women, immigrants, and people of color are remaking our economy with creative and inspiring enterprises! Of course, these entrepreneurs still face a lot of uphill battles:
What would it look like to smooth the pathway for people building resilient local economies? That’s Sustainable Economies Law Center’s driving question, and it has led us to take on that hill from multiple angles:
Sometimes, this work isn’t easy. By design, everything we do at the Law Center goes against the gravitational pull of the status quo because current systems clearly don't work for women, immigrants, people of color...well, pretty much all of us. We face daily disappointments and challenges – our clients get displaced from the Bay Area, funders lack understanding of our work, and so on. So I’ve written down a helpful reminder:
Even when things are stacked against us, what keeps us going, what pushes us forward to breakthroughs and new possibilities, is…
And that reminds me…