Molly is a rising senior at Smith College studying mathematics and sustainable food. She loves to cook, grow food, and explore the woods around her house with her two dogs, Tansy and Timmy. This summer, as well as interning at the Sustainable Economies Law Center, she’s working part time at Mist Farm in Mendocino, helping them harvest for their farm stand in the mornings. She grew up in the East Bay but has lived in Mendocino for the last 4 years, and that’s where she’s been sheltering in place since the start of the pandemic.
At SELC, she’s been working on projects around supporting mutual aid networks, banning extractive corporate land ownership, and education around borrowing from a 401(k). She has been drawn to each of these projects because of their timeliness in the moment we’re living in and the way they each in their own way work to move power and control from the hands of large, capitalist entities into the hands of grassroots organizations, individuals, and communities. She’s so inspired by all the work going on at SELC, and is so excited to be able to be a part of it!
Her mind was recently blown when she saw a bed of asparagus plants at Mist Farm. She had no idea that they grow like that (you should look it up if you don’t know) and thinks that the way they grow is incredibly silly looking.