Teach-in: How to Include Everyone’s Voice and Still Be Efficient

An Introductory Workshop to Sociocracy, 6:00 - 7:30pm, January 26th

Organizations working to create a sustainable and just world are often limited by their organizational structures and methods of decision making. Sociocracy provides an alternative. It is a governance design system where people at all organizational levels make policy decisions that govern their own work. Communication flows bottom-up as well as  top-down. The method was developed in the Netherlands and is practiced worldwide by nonprofit and for-profit organizations, both small and large. A key innovation is its structural approach to improving communication and decision-making.

normal_meetings_copy.jpgCome learn how this groundbreaking new way to run organizations and meetings can help you have more effective, enjoyable meetings; free up individual creativity and initiative; and streamline decision-making. This workshop will provide: 

1. An overview of sociocracy,

2. Experiential exercises in its governance structure and a unique process to select people for roles, and

3. Discussion of how you can apply what you learn in your organization -- and even your family!

Experience with Sociocracy:
"We adopted sociocracy and all of a sudden there is a room full of empowered people helping make decisions. People feel different. I’d say that at the end of 100% of our circle meetings – where we set policy – everyone says, 'My goodness. I feel so much more energized.' We have fewer meetings over time as we’ve implemented sociocracy, the decisions are better, and the follow-through is better because everyone’s on board." –Paul Kervick, Outreach Coordinator and Board Member, Living Well Residential Care Home & Assisted Living, Bristol, Vermont

About the Presenter

Mierson-081-cropRE-less-cntrstWEB-400x534.jpgThe workshop will be led by Sheella Mierson, Ph.D., consultant with The Sociocracy Consulting Group. She helps companies and organizations implement sociocracy in support of their strategic goals, and to create adaptive and effective organizations where all members’ voices matter. She works on multiple levels, from organizational to interpersonal. Sheella draws on broad experience as a teacher, business trainer, facilitator, and organizational consultant. In addition to being a Sociocracy Consultant, she is a Certified Facilitator for the Blueprint of We Collaboration Process, used to build trust, creativity, effortlessness, and resilience into relationships. She has worked with clients in business, education, healthcare, and nonprofit sectors. Sheella recently moved to the Bay Area, and is excited to do this workshop with SELC.

$5-15 Donation Requested

If you are unable to give financially or would like to donate in person at the event, please RSVP to [email protected]! No one turned away for lack of funds!

January 26, 2016 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Alchemy Collective Cafe
1741 Alcatraz Ave
Berkeley, CA 94703
United States
Google map and directions
Chris Tittle ·
Ojan Mobedshahi Robin Rudderrow Hilla Abel Blake Hihara Urban Moshav Kate Sassoon

Who's RSVPing

Ojan Mobedshahi
Robin Rudderrow
Hilla Abel
Blake Hihara
Urban Moshav
Kate Sassoon

Will you come?

$15.00 RSVP - Workplace Democracy Champion
Help us continue running our own democratic nonprofit with a $15 donation!
$5.00 RSVP - Workplace Democracy Steward
Help us to keep our community workshops accessible!

Showing 7 reactions

  • Ojan Mobedshahi
    rsvped +1 2016-01-21 15:16:38 -0800
  • Robin Rudderrow
    rsvped 2016-01-20 15:27:21 -0800
  • Hilla Abel
    rsvped 2016-01-15 14:02:24 -0800
  • chris tittle
    is hosting. 2016-01-13 10:38:51 -0800
  • Blake Hihara
    rsvped 2016-01-13 10:32:57 -0800
  • Urban Moshav
    rsvped 2016-01-13 10:32:18 -0800
  • Kate Sassoon
    rsvped 2016-01-13 10:31:42 -0800

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