This July, the Radical Real Estate Law School invites you to journey with us into a world where we begin to rethink everything – the law, real estate, finance, jobs, and more – through a lens of interdependence. Let’s untangle ourselves from the sticky web of cultural, legal, and economic structures built around a fundamentally flawed view of humans. We are not separate, autonomous, property-owning, resource-controlling entities who must fend for ourselves in a dog-eat-dog world. History, biology, neuroscience, and indigenous cultures everywhere demonstrate the opposite: Humans and all life on earth emerged through interdependence and cooperation, and we find our greatest flourishing, health, happiness, and sense of meaning by living into this reality.
How, then, do we rebuild lives, communities, and legal systems on a foundation of interdependence? Come explore this question with us! Our Interdependence Month events will be a mix of conversation, storytelling, contemplation, imagination, and practical workshops.
Check out our events below!