What is a business entity, anyway, and when should you form one? And which is right for your cooperative enterprise? In this teach-in, Sustainable Economies Law Center Staff Attorney Gregory Jackson will provide an introduction to what legal entities are and the pros and cons of choosing one legal entity over another for California based worker cooperatives. This teach-in will cover:
- What are business entities?
- What factors should you consider when choosing an entity for a worker-owned enterprise including sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations?
- What are the steps to forming a legal entity?
- Where can you find more resources?
About the Santa Clara Worker Cooperative Initiative
We’d like to thank the City of Santa for co-sponsoring this event and making more resources available to grow the cooperative economy in Santa Clara!
If you are a Santa Clara entrepreneur, a business owner thinking about succession planning or transitioning to an employee owned company, or a worker coop with worker-members or candidates looking to skill up (Principle 5!), this training is for you!
Open to Santa Clara residents, workers, and business owners. Learn more about the initiative at https://www.santaclaraca.gov/workercooperative
Note: Event times below are listed in Pacific time.
Nota: El horario de eventos listados es en la zona horaria del Pacífic
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