I was born in Tehran and grew up mostly in the Bay Area. I came back home to the Bay right after college and bounced around a number of jobs before finding my way to anti-prison work and, eventually, law school. I do a lot of non-law things to stay sane--growing plants (edible and not), building mediocre furniture, fiddling with my old car, cooking, working as a barista, hoarding old pottery, and so on.

At the Law Center, I've been working primarily on two projects, with a common theme: getting funding for coops! Alongside Janelle and Cameron, I've been helping East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative with completing a securities offering. And with Ricardo, I've been interviewing attorneys for a report for the Irvine Foundation.

There's so much going on in the world that there's no shortage of things blowing my mind, both good and bad. On the good side, I've been really inspired to see how decades of prison abolitionist organizing and theorizing has laid the foundation for the types of demands protesters are making today. I live only a few blocks from Critical Resistance's new building, and in this moment, I feel a renewed sense of gratitude for their forethought and perseverance, and that of so many others like them.

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