Rethinking Nonprofits Montana daily content

DAY 1 will focus on culture, relationships and internalized beliefs.  Participants will explore challenges of traditional hierarchies, as well as the challenges we face when attempting to change those structures, with sensitivity to issues around funders, grants, and constituents.  We’ll probe awareness of the systems we inherit and the ways we inadvertently reproduce oppressive systems and behaviors. We will practice using specific tools to engage with these sticky dynamics, and the presenters will offer some new best practices regarding mindsets, approaches, and systems.

DAY 2 will focus on organizational structures, practices, and policies. Participants will learn how to reimagine many aspects of their organization ranging from decision making, holding power, board and staffing models, to issues around accountability, reviews, hiring/firing and compensation.  

Participants will leave with a broadened vision for cultivating an organization built on principles of collective leadership, equity, and justice as well as an understanding of how they can make shifts in their own organizations, including:

  1. A general understanding of the operations and management of deeply democratic organizations and a vision for how they might embed more democracy in their organization moving forward;
  2. Specific tools and practices to spread power throughout their organization and give impacted people more voice to shape strategic and programmatic decisions;
  3. Resources to engage boards of directors, co-workers, and other key stakeholders in understanding shifts in organizational structures and practices; and
  4. Awareness of the legal issues that arise in implementing these practices – and how to stay legal with IRS 501c3 mandates.

Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: