Holding Change (Module 2 Collaborate to Co-Liberate -C2C)
Organizational change is hard. Anyone who has tried to usher in changes in an organization knows that a successful change process requires more than just a new idea for how to do things differently.
What skills and approaches are needed to successfully steward a group of people through complex change? How do you anticipate and navigate resistance to change? Cna you welcome the wisdom inherent in that resistance without losing sight of the purpose for your change?
Join our friends at Harmonize for Module 2 of Collaborate to Co-Liberate 2025: Holding Change. Harmonize will offer concrete tools to steward organizational change processes, as well as strategies for relating to, integrating, and transforming resistance.
This offering is essential for:
- Changemakers looking for new, more effective ways to guide change processes in your movement homes
- Participants in our Collaborate to Co-Liberate learning journey, who will use these tools, along with your coach, to guide change processes through the duration of C2C
- Organizers and movement practitioners interested in learning new ways to relate to resistance to change in your movement homes
Included is a Follow up Q&A: March 5th, 10-11:30 PT 1-2:30 ET
Collaborate to Co-Liberate: Structures and Practices for Democratic Organizations (C2C) is a year-long learning journey designed for solidarity economy and social justice movement left organizations who are building organizations with democratic, participatory, and liberatory leadership structures.
To join the entire year-long journey, register here instead of signing up for this one-time event.
To view the other events in the series click here.