Supporting Permanently Affordable Housing: Webinar and Workshop for Technical Assistance Providers

Northern California Land Trust, Oakland Community Land Trust, and Sustainable Economies Law Center welcome you to a lunch-time teach-in and webinar for housing-focused attorneys and legal aid groups.

Attorneys and legal organizations are often proximate to the frontlines of local anti-displacement struggles, helping to prevent evictions and to strengthen legal and policy protections for tenants. As the affordable housing crisis continues in California and across the nation, demand is growing among tenants for long-term solutions that enable greater community control of land and permanently affordable housing, such as Community Land Trusts (CLT), housing cooperatives, and other forms of shared equity housing.

This two-hour teach-in and webinar for legal professionals will cover the legal nuts and bolts of permanently affordable/shared equity housing, including different legal models and funding mechanisms to remove housing from the speculative market. The session will help inform housing-focused attorneys’ knowledge of affordable housing finance generally, different models of shared equity housing, and the emerging needs of community land trusts and shared equity models like the permanent real estate cooperative.

If you work with tenants, support the movement for community control of land and housing, or just want to learn more about financial and legal models, please join us!

About the Presenters:

OakCLT promotes neighborhood stability and community involvement through the provision of permanently affordable housing and access to land.

Oakland Community Land Trust promotes neighborhood stability and community involvement through the provision of permanently affordable housing and access to land.

Founded in 1973, we have led the development of many innovations and developments in cooperative and community ownership models that help ensure housieng and economic justice for all.

Founded in 1973, Northern California Land Trust has led the development of many innovations and developments in cooperative and community ownership models that help ensure housing and economic justice for all.

Sustainable Economies Law Center

Sustainable Economies Law Center provides essential legal tools - education, research, advice, and advocacy - so communities everywhere can develop their own sustainable sources of food, housing, energy, jobs, and other vital aspects of a thriving community.

No one turned away for lack of funds. If price is a barrier to participating, please contact [email protected].

MCLE credits available. This workshop is co-sponsored by the Sustainable Economies Law Center, a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider. The Law Center certifies that this activity has been approved for 2 hours of MCLE credit.

We will be live streaming this workshop. If you would like to join the conversation remotely, please RSVP below and you will receive the webinar information by email. UPDATE: please note that we have limited space left for in-person attendance. If you would like to attend in-person, please contact [email protected] after RSVPing below.


October 18, 2018 at 12:00pm - 2pm PDT
Port Workspaces & Online
344 20th St
Kaiser Mall, Port Workspaces
Oakland, CA 94612
United States
Google map and directions
Chris Tittle ·

Who's RSVPing

Will you come?

$25.00 Legal Professional
Suggested donation for legal professionals receiving MCLE credit
$10.00 Housing Justice Supporter
Suggested donation for other supporters of permanently affordable housing

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  • chris tittle
    published this page in Events 2018-09-21 11:11:52 -0700

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