Donate to support LUCI!

Please donate to LUCI!Please help support our critical work in developing cooperatives run by and for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals by donating to the Let-Us-Contribute Initiative (LUCI). LUCI is a coalition founded and led by incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people dedicated to fighting poverty today. They are working closely with us at the Sustainable Economies Law Center and Acterra, Earth Equity, Repaired Nations, and others to create worker cooperatives inside and outside of California prisons through training, education, and legislative advocacy. LUCI believes that economic justice is the only road to a truly equitable world, and the labor of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals can help build that world. To find out more about LUCI, please visit

Donations received on this page will directly fund LUCI and it's formerly incarcerated staff who are coordinating LUCI's cooperative development and legislative advocacy efforts.

Thank you for any support you can provide!

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Thanks to our Partners and Collaborators: