Activists, Food Entrepreneurs, Urban Farmers! Join us for a Compost Law and Policy Teach-in and Discussion!
We warmly invite you to our Compost Law & Policy Teach-in and Discussion
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Now is the time to learn about and shape the future of compost law in California! In fact, multiple state and local agencies are seeking input on draft compost regulations right now! Whether you grow food, eat food, or make compost, we hope you'll join us for a teach-in and discussion on this fascinating subject, which has deep implications for the future of health, nutrition, food systems, climate, jobs, and more.
A community compost movement is emerging locally, with a diverse array of organizations, cooperatives, and enterprises composting in creative ways using local food and yard scraps. But guess what! These groups face a growing number of legal barriers, and it's important that we organize, interact with regulators, and reshape the legal landscape for composting in California.
We'll provide light food and drink!
This conversation is hosted by local compost entrepreneur, Kourtnii Brown of Common Compost, and compost law advocate, Janelle Orsi, of Sustainable Economies Law Center.
Please RSVP below.
Making the law fun since 2009.
1428 Franklin St
Oakland, CA 94612
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